NONRENEWAL Refusal by the insurer or the insured to renew the coverage on an insurance plan. Usually done on the policy’s expiration date or its anniversary.
NONRESIDENT term applied to a person staying in a location where he is not classed as a permanent resident.
NONPARTICIPATING The sale of preferred stock by the company is considered a ‘nonparticipating’ investment. The stockholder is eligible for dividend payments and the cost to initiate the fund, in addition to receiving the price of the current stock value.
NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDER A provider who is not contracted with a health plan, or one who is prohibited from participating in Medicare.
NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDER INDEMNITY BENEFITS The benefits received in the form of a reimbursement when a medical service is delivered by a nonparticipating medical provider.
NONPECUNIARY DAMAGES the term that is applied to damages that can’t be calculated accurately in monetary terms.