Depending on the balance sheet classification as credit balances or debit balances, the normal account balance is the expected balance of such particular accounts. Usually, assets have debit balances and liabilities have credit balances.
The failure to fully examine the available data results in this type of audit risk. It also results from the incompetency on part of the auditor to spot a mistake or a wrong statement. This usually results from the inappropriate application of procedures and misinterpretation of data.
A variable that is measured using the mean and is expressed as the standard deviation of the frequency distribution. A standard normal deviate is a normal distribution curve whose mean is zero and the standard deviation is one. It is also referred to as standardized variable or value.
A benefit plan for an employee that does mandate the filing with the IRS and as such tax deductions in exchange for contributions are not offered. Under the nonqualified plan, certain employees gain more benefits due to employer discrimination.