A notice that states the intent of the account holder to make a withdrawal, and should to be given a specific number of days before the withdrawal to avoid being penalized.

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In English probate practice, notation is the act of making a memo- randum of some special circumstance on a probate or letters of administration. Thus, where a grant is made for the whole personal estate of tbe deceased within the United Kingdom, which can only be done in the case of a person dying domiciled in England, the fact of his having been so domiciled is noted on the grant. Coote, Prob. Pr. 36; Sweet.

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the term that is a statement in a pleading recognising that notice has been given.

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A system under which voters can give their consent or not on matters that were discussed by simply making a notation on the list.

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a term that applies to the inferred or the implied notice that can’t be contradicted legally.

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Refers to an individual belonging to the notary exercising his official authority. For example, the authentication of a document is guaranteed by the placement of the notarial seal on it.

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When negotiating a contract, it is the assurance from the vendor that the value of the property will not be less than the proposed value and the estimates that will be submitted later. Depending on the changes made to the property, the NLT value may be higher or lower.

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his case is put out of court by some adverse ruling which precludes a recovery. I’.oyce v. Snow. 1ST 111. 181, 58 N. E. 403; Deele.v v. Ileintz. 169 N. Y. 120, 02 N. E. 158; Stults v. Forst, 135 Ind. 207, 34 N. E. 1125; Williams v. Finks, 150 Mo. 597, 57 S. W. 732. A peremptory nonsuit is a compulsory or involuntary nonsuit, ordered by the court upon a total failure of the plaintiff to substantiate his claim by evidence. Jacques v. Fourthman, 137 Pa. 428, 20 Atl. 802.

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A statement on a bill of exchange which prohibits it from being transferred or traded. The statement reads ‘not negotiable’, except in the case of check where it can be made non negotiable by crossing it. As such, the actual owner cannot transfer ownership of such bills.

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A document which has been authenticated by the signature of the relevant individual and the signature of the notary public who acts as a witness to the signature. This document is then given the impression of the official notary seal.

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