A notice issued to concerning parties by the contractee stating that all the work concerning the project has finished. In addition, the period within which the concerned parties can exerciset their lien rights is also stated in the notice.
When a negotiable bill or note is dishonored by nonacceptance onpresentment for acceptance, or by non-payment at its maturity, it is the duty of theholder to give immediate notice of such dishonor to the drawer, if it be a bill, and to theindorser, whether it be a bill or note. 2 Daniel, Neg. Inst.
A notice assigned to instruments such as a check that has been dishonored. It indicates the nonacceptance of the dishonored instrument as a form of payment.
When negotiations break down between the employer and the recognized trade union, this statement to the related government agencies filed by the employer acts as a notification to stop business activities and the closure of its premises.
In the event of a loss, this notice informs the insurer about the occurrence of the loss. The procedure to notify the insurer is usually stated in the insurance policy.