Lat. Novelty; newness; a new thing. Novitas non tam ntilitate prodest qnam novitate perturbat. A novelty does not benefit so much by its utility as it disturbs by its novelty. Jenk. Cent. p. 167, case 23.

An agreement in Australia which allows businesses to lease transportation for its employees. However, a portion of the employee’s wage is deducted to cover the leasing costs. The company is liable for any default payments and accompanying taxeson the lease or purchase of the vehicle. In the event that the employee terminates his/her employment, the costs are transferred to the leaving employee.
In Scotch law. Open; notorious. A notour bankrupt is a debtor who, being under diligence by horning and caption of bis creditor, retires to sanctuary or absconds or defends by force, and is afterwards found insolvent by the court of session. Bell. Nova constitutio futuris formam im- ponere debet non prseteritis. A new state of the law ought to affect the future, not the past. 2 Inst. 292; Broom, Max. 34, 37.
An equity market that is focused on novel and emerging firms that are leaders in their respective industries. Usually, companies with the potential to be a global leader or have already attained such recognition, are the targets of Nouveau Marche, which is also a sub-division of the Paris Stock Exchange.