The name of a rack in the Tower, so called after a minister of Henry VI. who sought tointroduce it into England.

In old English law. Double the value of the marriage. While an Infant was in ward, theguardian had the power of tendering him or her a suitable match, withoutdisparagement, which if the infants refused, they forfeited the value of the marriage totheir guardian, that is, so much as a jury would assess or any one would give to theguardian for such an alliance; and, if the infants married themselves without theguardian’s consent they forfeited double the value of the marriage. 2 Bl. Comm. 70; Litt{ 110; Co. Litt 826.
In due or proper form or manner ; according to legal requirements.Regularly; upon a proper foundation, as distinguished from mere form. Robertson v.Perkins, 129 U. S. 233, 9 Sup. Ct. 279, 32 L. Ed. 6S6; Brownell v. Greenwich, 114 N. Y.518, 22 N. E. 24, 4 L. R. A. 6S5; Leth- brldge v. New York (Super. N. Y.) 15 N. Y. Supp.502; Allen v. Pancoast, 20 N. J. Law, 74; Van Arsdale v. Van Arsdale, 20 N. J. Law, 423;Dunning v. Coleman. 27 La. Ann. 48; Young v. Wright, 52 Cal. 410; White v. Johnson,27 Or. 282, 40 Pac. 511, 50 Am. St. Rep. 726.