In the civil law. The defendant’s answer to the plaintiff’s replication ;corresponding to the rejoinder of the common law.Duplicationem possibilitatis lex non patitnr. The law does not allow the doubling of apossibility. 1 Rolle, 321.
While sole, or single. Dum sola fucrit, while she shallremain sole. Dum sola et casta vix- crit. while she lives single and chaste. Words oflimitation in old conveyances. Co. Litt. 235
Certain payments; rates or taxes. See Ward v. Joslin, 105 Fed. 227, 44 C. C.A. 456; Warwick v. Supreme Conclave, 107 Ga. 115, 32 S. E. 951; Whitman v. NationalBank, 176 U. S. 559, 20 Sup. Ct 477, 44 L. Ed. 587.
In English law, Is a title of nobility, ranking immediately next to the Prince ofWales. It is only a title of dignity. Conferring it does not give any domain, territory, orjurisdiction over the place whence the title is taken. Duchess, the consort of a duke.Wharton.
In sales at auction, when the minimum amount which the ownerwill take for the article is written on a piece of paper, and placed by the owner under acandlestick, or other thing, and it is agreed that no bidding shall avail unless equal tothat, this is called “dumb-bidding.” Bab. Auct. 44.