During good pleasure. The ancient tenure of English judges was durante bine placito. 1 111. Comm. 207, 342.

Pieces of wood placed against the sides and bottom of the hold of avessel, to preserve the cargo from the effect of leakage, according to its nature andquality. Abb. Shipp. 227.There is considerable resemblance between dunnage and ballast. The latter is usedfor trimming the ship, and bringing It down to a draft of water proper and safe forsailing. Dunnage is placed under the cargo to keep It from being wetted by watergetting into the hold, or between the different parcels to keep them from bruising and Injuring each other. Great Western Ins. Co. v. Thwing, 13 Wall. C74, 20 L. Ed. GOT ; Richards v. Hansen (C. C.) 1 Fed. 56.
People that dwell o:i hilly places or mountains. Jacob.Duo non possunt in solido unam rem possidere. Two cannot possess one thing inentirety. Co. Litt. 30S.Duo sunt instrument a ad omnes res ant confirmandas ant impugnandas, ratio etauthoritas. There are two instruments for confirming or impugning all things,