In feudal and ecclesiastical law. A lord, or feudal superior. Dominus rex,the lord the king; the king’s title as lord paramount. 1 Bl. Comm. 307. Dominuscapitalis, a chief lord. Dominus mcdius, a mesne or intermediate lord. Dominus liyius,liege lord or sovereign. Id.Lord or sir; a title of distinction. It usually denoted a knight or clergyman; and,according to Cowell, was sometimes given to a gentleman of quality, though not aknight, especially if he were lord of a manor.The owner or proprietor of a thing, as distinguished from him who uses it merely.Calvin. A master or principal, as distinguished from an agent or attorney. Story. Ag.
Category: D
Lat. The master of the suit; i., the person who was really and directly interested in the suit as a party, as distinguished from his attorney or advocate.But the term is also applied to one who, though not originally a party, has made himself such, by intervention or otherwise, and has assumed entire control and responsibility for one side, and is treated by the court as liable for costs. See In re Stover, 1 Curt.201, Fed. Cas. No. 13.507.
In the civil law. The owner of a vessel. Dig. 39. 4, 11. 2.Dominus non maritabit pupillum nisi emel. Co. Litt. 9. A lord cannot give a ward in marriage but once.Dominus rex nullum babere potest parem, multo minus superiorem. Theking cannot have an equal, much less a superior. 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 115.
The home of the parents. Phillim. Doni. 25, 101. Thatwhich arises from a man’s birth and connections. 5 Yes. 750. The domicile of theparents at the time of birth, or what is termed the “domicile of origin.” constitutes tliedomicile of an infant, and continues until abandoned. or until the acquisition of a newdomicile in a different place. Prentiss v. Barton. 1 Brock. 380. 393. Fed. Cas. No. 11.381.
A term used in the civil and Scotch law, and thence in ours,relating to servitudes, meaning the tenement or subject in favor of which the service isconstituted ; as the tenement over which the servitude extends is called the “servienttenement.” Wharton; Walker v. Clifford, 128 Ala. 07, 29 South. 588. 80 Am St. Rep. 74;Dillman v. Hoffman, 38 Wis. 572; Stevens v. Dennett, 51 N. II. 339.