In Scotch law. A bond with a penalty, as distinguished from a single bond. 2 Ivames, Eq. 359.

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A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS charting formation that depicts two SUPPORT LEVELS followed by a BREAKOUT. The multiple rebounds are indicative of support and possible strength on the upside. Also known as a W FORMATION. See also DOUBLE TOP.

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In ecclesiastical law. A grievance made known by a clerk or other person, tothe archbishop of the province, against the ordinary, for delaying or refusing to dojustice in some cause ecclesiastical, as to give sentence, institute a clerk, etc. It istermed a “double complaint,” because it is most commonly made against both thejudge and him at whose suit justice is denied or delayed ; the effect whereof is that thearchbishop. taking notice of the delay, directs his letters. under his autlientical seal, toall clerks of his province, commanding them to admonish the ordinary, within a certainnumber of days, to do the justice required, or otherwise to appear before him or hisofficial, and there allege the cause of his delay; and to signify to the ordinary that if heneither perform the thing enjoined, nor appear nor show cause against it, he himself, iuhis court of audience, will forthwith proceed to do the justice that is due.Cowell.

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Lat. The back. In dorso recordi, on the back of the record. 5 Coke, 446.

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(Contracted from dormiture.) A dormitory of a convent; a place to sleep in.

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In Roman law. Dowry; a wife’s marriage portion; all that property which onmarriage is transferred by the wife herself or by another to the husband with a view ofdiminishing the burden which the marriage will entail upon him. It is of three kinds.Profcctitia don is that which is derived from the property of the wife’s father or paternalgrandfather. That dos is termed adventitia which is not profcctitia in respect to itssource, whether It is given by the wife from her own estate or by the wife’s mother or athird person. It is termed rcccptitia do* when accompanied by a stipulation for itsreclamation by the constitutor on the termination of the marriage. See Mackeld. Bom.Law,

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A reasonable marriage portion. A reasonable part of her husband’s estate, to which every widow is entitled, of lauds of which her husband may haveendowed her on the day of marriage. Co. Litt. 330. Dower, at common law. 2 Bl. Comm. 134.Dos de dote peti non debet. Dower ought not to be demanded of dower. Co. Litt.31; 4 Coke, 1226. A widow is not dow- able of lands assigned to another woman indower. 1 Hill. Real Prop. 135.Dos rationabilis vel legitima est cujus- libet mulieris de quocunque tenemento tertiapars omnium texrarum et tene- mentorum, quae vir suus tenuit in dominio suo ut defeodo, etc. Co. Litt. 330. Reasonable or legitimate dower belongs to every woman of athird part of all the lands and tenements of which her husband was seised in hisdemesne, as of fee, etc.

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This term is given to the bundle of papers and information on a person or subject that has been collected by an agency such as the CIA or FBI.

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(A French word, adopted in Louisiana.) The fortune, portion, or dowry which a woman brings to her husband by the marriage.

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