An illegal attempt by an INSURED to file multiple CLAIMS on a single loss event with multiple INSURERS. Double recovery violates the principle of INDEMNITY, which states that an INSURANCE contract cannot result in a profit for the insured.

A BENCHMARK priceweighted index of the US stock market, comprised of 30 LARGE CAP STOCKS representing the industrial sector; the index is rebalanced periodically as industries and corporate leadership change. The DJIA, which is the oldest and most widely quoted US index, can be traded directly through EXCHANGETRADED FUNDS and DERIVATIVES.
The taxing of the same item or piece of property twice to the same person, or taxing it as theproperty of one person and again as the property of another; but this does not includethe imposition of different taxes concurrently on the same property (e. g., a city tax anda school tax), nor the taxation of the same piece of property to different persons whenthey hold different interests in it or when it represents different values in their hands,as when both the mortgagor and mortgagee of property are taxed in respect to theirinterests in it, or when a tax is laid upon the capital or prop- srty of a corporation andalso upon the value of its shares of stock in the hands of the separate stockholders.Cook v. Burlington, 59 Iowa, 251, 13 N. W. 113, 44 Am. Itep. 679; Cheshire County Tel.Co. v. State. 63 N. H. 167; Detroit Common Council v. Detroit Assessors, 91 Mich. 78,51 N. W. 787, 16 L. R. A. 59.
In English law. This is a penalty on a tenant holding over after his landlord’s notice to quit. By 4 Geo. II. c. 28. $1. it is enacted that if any tenant for life or years hold over any lands, etc., after thedetermination of his estate, after demand made, and notice in writing given, fordelivering the possession thereof, by the landlord, or the person having the reversion orremainder therein, or his agent thereunto lawfully authorized, such tenant so holdingover shall pay to the person so kept out of possession at the rate of double the yearlyvalue of the lands, etc., so detained, for so long a time as the same are detained. SeeWoodf. Landl. & Ten. (12th Ed.) 717, et seq.
This was when a common recovery was had, and an estate of freehold was first conveyed to anyindifferent person against whom the prcccipe was brought, and then he vouched thetenant in tail, who vouched over the common vouchee. For, if a recovery were had immediatelyagainst a tenant in tail, it barred only the estate in the premises of which hewas then actually seised, whereas, if the recovery were had against another person, and thetenant in tail were vouchee, it barred every latent right and interest which he mighthave in the lands recovered. 2 Bl. Comm. 359.