A writ of right which lay for a widow to whom no dower had been assigned.

A COMPLEX OPTION that extinguishes a standard EUROPEAN OPTION if the price of the UNDERLYING market reference declines through a predefined BARRIER. If the barrier is not breached the European option remains in effect. See also BARRIER OPTION, DOWN AND IN OPTION, KNOCKOUT OPTION, REVERSE KNOCKOUT OPTION, UP AND IN OPTION, UP AND OUT OPTION.
The property which a woman brings to her husband In marriage; now more commonly called a Òportion.ÓBy dowry is meant the effects which the wife brings to the husband to support the expenses of marriage. Civil Code La. art. 2337.This word expresses the proper meaning of the ÒdosÓ of the Roman, the ÒdotÓ of theFrench, and the ÒdoteÓ of the Spanish law, but is a very different thing from Òdower,Ówith which it has sometimes been confounded.By dowry, in the Louisiana Civil Code, is meant the effects which the wife brings to the husband to support the expenses of marriage. It is given to the husband, to be enjoyed by him so long as the marriage shall last, and the income of it belongs to him.He alone has the administration of it during marriage, and his wife cannot deprive him of it. The real estate settled as dowry is inalienable during marriage, unless the marriage contract contains a stipulation to the contrary. De Young v. De Young, 6 La.Ann. 786.
The widow of the king. As such she enjoys most of the privileges belonging to her as queen consort. It is nottreason to conspire her death or violate her chastity, because the succession to thecrown is not thereby endangered. No man, however, can marry her without a speciallicense from the sovereign, on pain of forfeiting his lands or goods. 1 Bl. Comm. 233.