n. 1. A movable section of a bridge, which may be raised up or turned toone side, so as to admit the passage of vessels. Gildersleeve v. Railroad Co. (D. C.) 82Fed. 766; Hughes v. Railroad Co.(C. C.) 18 Fed. 114; Railroad Co. v. Daniels, 90 Ga. 608, 17 S. E. 647.2. A depression in the surface of the earth, in the nature of a shallow ravine orgulch, sometimes many miles In length, forming a channel for the escape of rain andmelting snow draining into it from either side. Railroad Co. v. Sutherland, 44 Neb. 526,62 N. W. 859.

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In the customs laws, this term denotes an allowance made by the governmentupon the duties due on imported merchandise when the importer, instead ofselling it here, re-exports it; or the refunding of such duties if already paid. This allowanceamounts. In some cases, to the whole of the original duties; in others, to apart only.A drawback is a device resorted to for enabling a commodity affected by taxes to beexported and sold in the foreign market on the same terms as if it had not been taxedat all. It differs in this from a bounty, that the latter enables a commodity to be sold forless than its natural cost, whereas a drawback enables it to be sold exactly at its naturalcost. Downs v. U. S., 113 Fed. 144, 51 C. C. A. 100.

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A term employed In old pleadings and records, to denote a groat.Townsh. PI. ISO.An Athenian silver coin, of the value of about fifteen cents.

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A person to whom a bill of exchange is addressed, and who is requested to pay the amount of money therein mentioned.

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The standard, ensign, or military colors borne in war by the ancientkings of England, having the figure of a dragon painted thereon.

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The person making a bill of exchange and addressing it to the drawee.Stevenson v. Walton, 2 Smedes & M. (Miss.) 265; Winnebago County State Bank v.Hustel, 119 Iowa, 115, 93 N. W. 70.

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term that relates to a very harsh or severe law.

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In patent law. A representation of the appearance of material objects bymeans of lines and marks upon paper, card-board, or other substance. Ampt v.Cincinnati, 8 Ohio Dec. 62S.

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A code of laws prepared by Draco, the celebrated lawgiver ofAthens. These laws were exceedingly severe, and the term is now sometimes applied toany laws of unusual harshness.

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