A curate has no title, [to tithes.] 3 Bulst. 310.

The rectification or rendering nugatory of a defect in the pleadings by the rendition of a verdict; the court will presume, after a verdict, that the particular thing omitted or defectively stated in the pleadings was duly proved at the trial. State v. Keena, 63 Conn. 329, 28 Atl. 522; Alford v. Raker, 53 Ind. 279; Treanor v. Houghton, 103 Cal. 53, 36 Pac. 1081.
PREFERRED STOCK that includes a feature allowing any foregone or suspended DIVIDEND payments to automatically accumulate. When the company restarts its program, cumulative preferred stock investors are entitled to receive all accumulated dividends before dividends can be paid to COMMON STOCK or NONinvestors.