1. The hollow or channel of a water-course ; the depression between the banks worn by the regular and usual flow of the water. “The led is that soil so usually covered by water as to be distinguishable from the banks by the character of the soil, or vegetation, or both, produced by the common presence and action of flowing water.” Howard v. Ingersoll, 13 How. 427, 14 L. Ed. 189. And see Paine Lumber Co. v. U. S. (C. C.) 55 Fed. 864; Alabama v. Georgia, 23 How. 515, 16 L. Ed. 556; Haight v. Keokuk, 4 Iowa, 213; Pulley v. Municipality No. 2, 18 La. 282; Harlan, etc., Co. Y. Pas- ehall, 5 Del. Ch. 463. 2. The right of cohabitation or marital Intercourse; as in the phrase “divorce from bed and board,” or o mensa et thoro.

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