A delivery of goods or personal property, by one person to another, in trust for the execution of a special object upon or in relation to such goods, beneficial either to the bailor or bailee or both, and upon a contract, express or implied, to perform the trust and carry out such object, and thereupon either to redeliver the goods to the bailor or otherwise dispose of the same In conformity with the purpose of the trust. Watson v. State, 70 Ala. 13, 45 Am. Rep. 70; Com. v. Maher, 11 Phila. (Pa.) 425: McCaffrey v. Knapp, 74 111. App. 80; Krause v. Com., 93 Pa. 418, 39 Am. Rep. 702; Fulcher v. State, 32 Tex. Cr. R. 021, 25 S. W. 025. See Code Ga. 1882,

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