The act of attaching, adding, joining, or uniting one thing to another ; generally spoken of the connection of a smaller or subordinate thing with a larger or principal thing. The attaching an illustrative or auxiliary document to a deposition, pleading, deed, etc., is called “annexing” it. So the incorporation of newly-acquired territory into the national domain, as an integral part thereof, is called “annexation,” as in the case of the addition of Texas to the United States. In the law relating to fixtures: Actual annexation includes every movement by which a chattel can be joined or united to the freehold. Constructive annexation is the union of such things as have been holden parcel of the realty, but which are not actually annexed, fixed, or fastened to the freehold. Shep. Touch. 469; Amos & F. Fixt. 2. In Scotch law. The union of lands to the crown, and declaring them inalienable. Also the appropriation of the church-lands by the crown, and the union of lands lying at a distance from the parish church to which they belong, to the church of another parish to which they are contiguous.

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