In English law. A legal practitioner in the court of chancery. The words “solicitor” and “attorney” are commonly used indiscriminately, although they are not precisely the same, an attorney being a practitioner in the courts of common law, a solicitor a practitioner in the courts of eq SOLICITOR 1096

Categories: S


In England, the solicitor to the treasury acts, in state prosecutions, as solicitor for the crown in preparing the prosecution. In Ireland there are officers called “crown solicitors” attached to each circuit, whose duty it is to get up every case for the crown in criminal prosecutions. They are paid by salaries. There is no… Continue Reading CROWN SOLICITOR

Categories: C


uity. Most attorneys take out a certificate to practice in the courts of chancery, and therefore become solicitors also, and, on the other hand, most, if not all, solicitors take out a certificate to practice in the courts of common law. and therefore become attorneys also. Brown.

Categories: S


The remembrancer of the city of London is parliamentary solicitor to the corporation, and is bound to attend all courts of aldermen and common council when required. Pull. Laws & Cust. Lond. 122.

Categories: R


A procurator, proxy, or attorney. More particularly, an officer of the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts whose duties and business correspond exactly to those of an attorney at law or solicitor in chancery. An ecclesiastical person sent to the lower house of convocation as the representative of a cathedral, a collegiate church, or the clergy of… Continue Reading PROCTOR

Categories: P


This officer, so constituted by letters patent, has preaudience over the bar after tlie attorney and solicitor general and queen’s advocate. 3 Steph. Comm. (7th Ed.) 274, note.

Categories: P


A mode of obtaining a panel of special jurors in England, from which to select the jury to try a particular action. The proceeding takes place before the under-sheriff or sec- ondary, and in the presence of the parties’ solicitors. Numbers denoting the persons on tbe sheriff’s list are put into a box and drawn… Continue Reading NOMINATING AND REDUCING

Categories: N


A person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel, or solicitor. Any person who, for fee or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states, or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause… Continue Reading LAWYER

Categories: L