The surplus of a testator’s estate remaining after all the debts and par- ticular legacies have been discharged. 2 Bl. Comm. 514. The “residue” of a testator’s estate and effects means what is left after ail liabilities are discharged, and all the purposes of the testator, specifically expressed in his will, are carried into effect.… Continue Reading RESIDUE

Categories: R


The substance that is left behind after pesticide application. The WHO states that it can include specified derivatives, such as metabolites and impurities which are known to have toxicological significance.

Categories: P


1. General. Departure allowed from a standard that won’t effect a process over its life cycle. 2. Engineering. Capability of a system that can withstand high stress levels without being harmed. See safety factor. 3. Environmental. Allowable level of pesticide residue in raw agricultural products.

Categories: T


That which remains of a fund appropriated for a particular purpose; the remainder of a thing; the overplus; the residue. See People’s F. Ius. Co. v. Parker, 35 N. J. Law, 577; Towery v. McGaw (Ky.) 56 S. W. 727; Appeal of Coates, 2 Pa. 137.

Categories: S


In old English law. Overplus ; surplus; residue or balance. Bract, fol. 301; Spelman.

Categories: S


A residue of a semi-liquid consistency from industrial processes and the traetment of sewage and waste water.

Categories: S


In real property law. A reversion is the residue of an estate left by operation of law in the grantor or his heirs, or in the heirs of a testator, commencing in possession on the determination of a particular estate granted or devised. How. St. Mich. 1882,

Categories: R


That which remains after any process of separation or deduction; a residue or balance. That which remains of a decedent’s estate, after debts have been paid and legacies deducted. See Parsons v. Colgate (C. C.) 15 Fed. 003; Robinson v. MU- laril, 133 Mass. 239; United States Trust Co. v. Black, 9 Misc. Bep. 053,… Continue Reading RESIDUUM

Categories: R


Relating to the residue; relating to the part remaining.

Categories: R


A writ of right of dower, which lay for a widow who had received part of her dower, and demanded the residue, against the heir of the husband or his guardian. Abolished. See 23 & 24 Vict c. 126,

Categories: R