An estate in land or other real property, of uncertain duration; that is,either of inheritance or which may possibly last for the life of the tenant at the least, (asdistinguished from a leasehold;) and held by a free tenure, (as distinguished from copyholdor villeinage.) Nevitt v. Woodburn, 175 111. 376, 51 N. E. 593; Railroad… Continue Reading FREEHOLD

Categories: F


An estate retained indefinitely as rightful owner. Contrast to leasehold estate, which holds an estate for a limited period only with terms and conditions that are very specific. Also refer to fee simple absolute in possession.

Categories: F


Real property retained as owner, but by fee.

Categories: F


An estate in land or other real property, of uncertainduration; that is, either of inheritance or which may possibly last for the life of thetenant at the least, (as distinguished from a leasehold and held by a free tenure, (asdistinguished from copyhold or villeinage.)

Categories: E


In English law. A variety of copyhold estate, the evidences of the title to which are to be found upon the court rolls; the entries declaring the holding to be according to the custom of the manor, but it is not said to be at the will of the lord. The incidents are similar to… Continue Reading CUSTOMARY FREEHOLD

Categories: C


In American law. The name of a court formerly established in South Carolina for the trial of slaves and free persons of color for criminal offenses.

Categories: C


Under the municipal organization of the state of New Jersey, each county has a board of officers, called by this name, composed of representatives from the cities and townships within its limits, and charged with administering the revenues of the county. They correspond to the “county commissioners” or “supervisors” in other states

Categories: C


In English law. A commoner; a freeholder under the rank of gentleman. Cowell. A man who has free land of forty shillings by the year; who was ancientlythereby qualified to serve on juries, vote for knights of the shire, and do any other act,where the law requires one that is probus et legalis homo. 1… Continue Reading YEOMAN

Categories: Y


Thestatute 3 Edw. I., A. D. 1275. This statute, which deserves the name of a code ratherthan an act, is divided into fifty-one chapters. Without extending the exemption ofchurchmen from civil jurisdiction, it protects the property of the church from the violenceand spoliation of the king and the nobles, provides for freedom of popular elections,because… Continue Reading WESTMINSTER THE FIRST

Categories: Uncategorized


One of the civil divisions of England, being a portion of that greater di- vision called a “hundred.” It was so called because ten freeholders with their families composed one. It Is said that they were all knit together in one society, and bound to the king for the peaceable behavior of each other. In… Continue Reading TITHING

Categories: T