Nemo in propria causa testis esse debet. No one ought to be a witness in his own cause. 3 Bl. Comm. 371. Nemo inauditus condcmnari debet si non sit contumax. No man ought to be condemned without being heard unless he be contumacious. Jenk. Cent. p. 18, case 12, In rnarg. Nemo jus sibi dicere… Continue Reading NEMO PUNITDR

Categories: N


In old Scotch practice. A kind of trumpet used in denouncing contumaciouspersons rebels and outlaws, which was done with three blasts of the horn by the king’ssergeant. This was called “putting to the horn;” and the party so denounced was said tobe “at the horn.” Bell. See HOBNING.

Categories: H


Writ for taking a contumacious person. A writ which issues out of the English court of chancery, in cases where a person has been pronounced by an ecclesiastical court to be contumacious, and in contempt. Shelf. Mar. & Div. 494-^96, and notes. It is a commitment for contempt. Id.

Categories: D