Living together; living together as husband and wife. Cohabitation means having the same habitation. not a sojourn, a habit of visiting or remaining for a time; there must be something more than mere meretricious intercourse. In re Yardle.v’s Estate. 75 Pa. 211 ; Cox v. State, 117 Ala. 103, 23 South. 800. 41 L. R. A. 760. 67 Am. St. Rep. 166; Turney v. State. 60 Ark. 259. 29 S. W. Si in; Com. v. Lucas. 158 Mass. 81. 32 N. E. 1033: Jones y. Com.. 80 Va. 20; Brinckle v. Brinckle, 12 Phila. (Pa.) 234. Cohseredes una persona censentur, propter unitatem juris quod habent. Co. Lltt. 163. Co-heirs are deemed as one person, on account of the unity of right which they possess

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