A temporary stop of a right, of a law, and the like. Thus, we speak of a suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, of a statute, of the power of alienating an estate, of a person in office, etc. Suspension of a right in an estate is a temporary or partial withholding of it from use or exercise. It differs from extinguishment, because a suspended right is susceptible of being revived, which is not the case where the right was extinguished. In ecclesiastical law. An ecclesiastical censure, by which a spiritual person is either interdicted the exercise of his ecclesiastical function or hindered from receiving the profits of his benefice. It may be partial or total, for a limited time, or forever, when it is called ÒdeprivationÓ or Òamotion.Ó Ayl. Par. 501. In Scotch law. A stay of execution until after a further consideration of the cause. Ersk. Inst 4, 3, 5.

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