Land on the margin of the sea, or a lake or river. In common parlance, the word “shore” is understood to mean the line that separates the tide-water from the laud about it. wherever that line may be, and in whatever stage of the tide. The word “shore,” in its legal and technical sense, indicates the lands adjacent to navigable waters, where the tide flows and reflows, which at high tides are submerged, and at low tides are bare. Shiv- ely v. Bowlby, 152 U. S. 1. 14 Sup. Ct. 548, 38 L. Ed. 331; Mather v. Chapman. 40 Conn. 400, 10 Am. Rep. 40; U. S. v. Pacheco, 2 Wall. 500, 17 L. Ed. 805; Harlan & Ilollings- worth Co. v. Paschall, 5 Del. Ch. 403; Lacy v. Green, 84 Pa. 519; Axline v. Shaw, 35 Fla. 305. 17 South. 411, 28 L. R. A. 301. Sea-shore is that space of land over which the waters of the sea spread in the highest water, during the winter season. Civ. Code La. art. 451. When the sea-shore is referred to as a boundary. the meaning must be understood to be the margin of the sea in its usual and ordinary state; the ground between the ordinary high- water mark and low-water mark is the shore. Hence a deed of land bounded at or by the “shore” will convey the flats as appurtenant. Storer v. Freeman, 0 Mass. 435, 4 Am. Dec. 155.

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