circumstances, natural or adventitious, which are inherently or legally necessary to render him eligible to fill an ollice or to perform a public duty or function. Thus, the ownership of a freehold estate may be made the qualification of a voter; so the possession of a certain amount of stock in a corporation may be the qualification neces- sary to enable one to serve on its board of directors. Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. 310, 18 L. Ed. 350; People v. Palen, 74 Ilun, 289, 26 N. Y. Supp. 225; Hyde v. State, 52 Miss. 665. Qualification for office is “endowment, or accomplishment that fits for an office; having the legal requisites, endowed with qualities suitable for the purpose.” State v. Seay, 04 Mo. 89, 27 Am. Rep. 200. Also a modification or limitation of terms or language; usually intended by way of re- striction of expressions which, by reason of their generality, would carry a larger mean- ing than was designed.

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