In English law. A tract of inclosed ground privileged for keeping wild beasts of the chase, particularly deer; an inclosed chase extending only over a man’s own grounds. 2 Bl. Comm. 38. In American law. An inclosed pleas- ure-ground in or near a city, set apart for the recreation of the public. Riverside v. MacLain, 210 111. 308, 71 N. E. 40S, 66 L. R. A. 2S8, 102 Am. St. Rep. 164; People v. Green, 52 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 440; Archer v. Salinas City, 93 Cal. 43, 28 Pac. 839, 16 PARK-BOTE 874 PARRICIDIUM L. R. A. 145; Ehmen v. Gothenburg, 50 Neb. 715, 70 N. W. 237. PARK-BOTE. To be quit of inclosing a park or any part thereo

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