This letter, as an abbreviation, stands for Henry (a king of that name) in tbe citationof English statutes. In the Year Books, it is used as an abbreviation for Hilary term.In tax assessments and other such official records, “h” may be used as an abbreviationfor “house,” and the courts will so understand it. Alden v. Newark, 36 N. J. Law, 288;Parker v. Elizabeth, 39 N. J. Law, 693.H. A. An abbreviation for hoc anno, this year, in this year.H. B. An abbreviation for house bill, f. e., a bill in the house of representatives, asdistinguished from a senate bill.H. C. An abbreviation for house of commons, or for habeas corpus.H. L. An abbreviation for house of lords.H. R. An abbreviation for house of representatives.H. T. An abbreviation for hoc titulo, this title, under this title; used in references to books.H. V. An abbreviation for hoc verbo or hac voce, this word, under this word; used inreferences to dictionaries and other works alphabetically arranged.

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