Persons examined as witnesses in a cause, who testify in regard to someprofessional or technical matter arising in the case, and who are permitted to give theiropinions as to such matter on account of their special training, skill, or familiarity with itAn expert is a person who possesses peculiar skill and knowledge upon the subjectmatterthat he is required to give an opinion upon. State v. Phair, 48 Vt. 366.An expert is a skillful or experienced person; a person having skill or experience, orpeculiar knowledge on certain subjects, or in certain professions ; a scientific witness.See Congress & E. Spring Co. v. Edgar, 99 U. S. 057, 25 L. Ed. 487; Ileald v. Thing, 45Me. 394; Nelson v. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 71 N. Y. 460; Koccis v. State, 50 N. J. Law, 44,27 Atl. 800; Dole v. Johnson, 50 N. H. 453; Ellingwood v. Bragg, 52 N. H. 4S9.

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