A species of estate less than freehold, where a man has aninterest in lands and tenements, and a possession thereof, by virtue of such interest,for some fixed and determinate period of time; as in the case where lands are let forthe term of a certain number of years, agreed upon between the lessor and tlie lessee,and the lessee enters thereon. 1 Steph. Comm. 203, 2(14. Blackstoue calls this estate a”contract” for the possession of lands or tenements for some determinate period. 2 Rl.Comm. 140. See Ilutcheson v. Hodnett, 115 Ga. 900, 42 S. E. 422; Despard v. Churchill,53 N. Y. 192; Brown v. Bragg, 22 Ind. 125.

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