The share that a person has in a business or company.

A money ver diet the amount of which is fixed by the fol- lowing process: Each juror writes down the sum he wishes to award by the verdict: these amounts are all added together, and the total is divided by twelve, (the number of the jurors,) and the quotient stands as the verdict of the jury by their agreement. See Hamilton v. Owego Waterworks, 22 App Div. 573, 4S N. Y. Supp. 100; Moses v. Railroad Co., 3 Misc. Rep. 322, 23 N. Y. Supp. 23. Quoties dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit. Whenever the interpretation of liberty is doubtful, the answer should be on the side of liberty. Dig. 50, 17, 20. Quoties idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum excipiatur, quae rei gerendse aptior est. Whenever the same language expresses two meanings that should be adopted which is the better fitted for carrying out the subject-matter. Dig. 50, 17, 67. Quoties in stipulationibus ambigua oratio est, commodissimum est id accipi quo res de qua agitur in tuto sit. Whenever the language of stipulations is ambiguous, it is most fitting that that [sensel should be taken by which the subject-matter may be protected. Dig. 45. 1, SO. Quoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla expositio contra verba fiends est. Co. Litt. 147. When in the QUOTUPLEX 988
ed. and will not be permitted to be made the subject of any adjustment or compensation on the part of the grantee. Ex parte Miller, 2 Hill (N. Y.) 423. Quod subintelligitur non deest. What is understood is not wanting. 2 Ld. Itayin. 832. Quod tacite intelligitur deesse non videtur. What is tacitly understood is not considered to be wanting. 4 Coke, 22a. Quod vanum et inutile est, lex non re- quirit. Co. Litt. 319. The law requires not what is vain and useless.
Lat. In whatever manner. Quum de lucro duorum quseratur, melior est causa possidentis. When the question is as to the gain of two persons, the title of the party in possession is the better one. Dig. 50, 17, 126, 2. Quum in testamento ambigue aut etiam perperam scriptum est, benigne interpretari et secundum id quod credible et cogitatum, credendum est. When iu a will an ambiguous or even an erroneous expression occurs, it should be construed liberally and in accordance with what is thought the probable meaning of the testator. Dig. 34, 5, 24; Broom, Max. 437. Quum principalis causa non consistit ne ca quidem qua; scquuntur locum habent. When the principal does not hold, the incidents thereof ought not to obtain. Broom, Max. 496. Quum quod ago non valet nt ago, valeat quantum valere potest. 1 Vent. 216. When what I do is of no force as to the purpose for which I do it, let it be of force to as great a degree as it can. a. 9S9 RAILWAY R