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Lat. In practice. The name of a writ (now abolished) which, in the English law, lay for a sister co-heiress dispossessed by her coparcener of lands and tenements whereof their father, brother, or any common ancestor died seised of an es- tate in fee-simple. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 197. NUPTI2E SECUND.& 839 NYCTHEMERON
Lat. Never indebted. The name of a plea in an action of indebitatus assumpsit, by which the defendant alleges that he is not indebted to the plaintiff. Nunquam nimis dicitur quod nunquam satis dicitur. What is never sufficiently said is never said too much. Co. Litt. 375. Nunquam praescribitur in falso. There Is never a prescription in case of falsehood or forgery. A maxim in Scotch law. Bell. Nnnqnam res humanae prospere sue- cedunt ubi negliguntur divinac. Co. Litt 15. Human things never prosper where divine things are neglected.
the code governing medical research on people.1. Subject must consent voluntarily. 2. The experiment should yield fruitful results. 3. The experiment should be done on animals first. 4. No physical or mental suffering to be involved. 5. No risk of in jury, disablement or death. 6. Degree of risk cannot be greater than the importance of the problem. 7. Preparations will safeguard against injury or death. 8. Conducted by scientifically qualified people. 9. Subject ha the right to stop the experiment. 10. The people in charge must stop the experiment if they see an untoward effect on the subject.