The person who lends chattels in the contract of mutuum, (q. v.)

Eat. In the law of bailments. A loan for consumption ; a loan of chattels, upon an agreement that the borrower may consume them, returning to the lender an equivalent in kind and quantity. Story, Bailm. S 228; Payne v. Gardiner, 29 N. Y. 107; Downes v. Phoenix Bank, 0 Hill (X. Y.) 299; Rahilly v. Wilson, 20 Fed. Cas. 181.
Classifying personalities into four categories by personality typing. This test uses independent orthogonal types or scales: (1) Extroversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), (2) Sensing (S) vs. intuition (N), (3) Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), and (4) Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P). Isabel Myers-Briggs of the US and her mother developed this method. Neither had any formal training in psychology. They based their approach on Austrian psychologist Carl Jung’s (1875-1961) personality types theory.